Korea Business Forum Membership
Corporate Membership
Your company can take full advantage of the group even as executives maintain heavy travel schedules. The group serves as a valuable management training tool for either Senior Korean Managers or Managers who are new to Korean responsibilities. The forum provides a means to update senior executives from headquarters who may happen to be in Korea during a session.
Prepared by internal and external analysts, distributed to all members. Hard copy distributed at the meeting and soft copy follows to all members. The briefing and conclusion papers can be used to prepare for ensuing presentations and discussions. Information can be used for own presentations and strategic planning reviews.
Free update service is available for all presentation material. Moreover, instant feedback to queries, sources of information, and “must-have slides” for presentations. Discussion of particular problems available on an emergency or regular basis. The advice of experts and arrangement of lunches or dinners or other meetings with specialists.
And you can get from KBF:
- KBF corporate member can get from KBF
- Twelve KBF regular forums per year
- Second Chance Korea Business Forum
- The Social Peer Group
- Supplementary Business Forum and other events
- Access to Asia Peer Group and Information Network
Regular Forum
Basically, the core of the programme is the monthly meeting based round a programme, decided at the beginning of the year and voted on by all the members, deleting less popular topics and inserting more popular ones. Inevitably, unexpected events happen, which require discussion and one, or two, of the twelve topics have to be changed. Our meetings are unique in that there is more dialogue throughout the session, which is also longer and in more depth than found in chambers or other meetings. This allows a sustained discussion to be maintained.
Today managers are busier than ever and have to travel more. So where once half our members attended the main session, today about one third attend. After the session, a soft copy is prepared with notes on issues discussed and new relevant material. Some members use parts of our briefing material to report to head office, others ask us to update old slides or assist in preparing briefings with new material.
KBF regular forum held on the third Thursday of the month so between the 15th and 21st of the month depending on the day of the week that the month starts.
Exceptions are when the third Thursday is a public holiday.
Regular forums are normally held from 8 am to 10 am on each 3rd Thursday and it provide a full free buffet breakfast.
Subjects are fixed by programme survey in early January and you can find an annual programme from programme page of this website.
Second Chance Korea Business Forum
KBF Second Chance Breakfast will he held every month about 2 weeks after the regular forum.
With breakfast, give you a briefing on the presentation summary of the regular forum with the stories that happened during the forum.
Usually the date is picked by the first member to request such a meeting.
The cost of breakfast for this event is a burden to the members.
Supplementary Business Forum and Other Event
We shall be holding supplementary small group discussions and other events in the second half of this year, deep-diving into the business climate and what it means to manage a Korean operation.
Also we have some loyal supporters in Busan and have long promised to hold a second session in Busan. We held a Busan KBF meeting in the past and plan to extend other places.
Access to Asia Peer Group and Information Network
Should your business travel coincide with a meeting in an Asia Network city, all members are welcome to attend The Asia Network Peer Group Forums held in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, New Delhi, Karachi, Sydney, Tokyo and Melbourne as well as the business group China meetings held in Hong Kong and Beijing. (The actual forums are operated by IMA Asia and other parties).
All members have access to a network of information made available through Asia Network analysis.
* Required contact to Korea Business Forum before 2 weeks from your business trip.
Question to KABC?
KABC values your opinions.
If you have any questions about KABC’s activities and services, please contact us using the form below.
We will reply to your email address or phone call you entered when inquiring.